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My culinary journey started during a transformative gap year in Switzerland, where I worked as a chalet girl. Surrounded by the mountains and hunger skiers, my passion for food began to take root. After obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree at Edinburgh University, I embarked on a career in HR technology. However, in 2007, I chose to pause my career to start a family.

During both of my pregnancies, I faced the familiar challenge of weight gain, struggling to reconcile my love for food with the need for a healthy weight. After trying various diets, I had an epiphany – short-term, deprivation-based weight loss wasn't the answer. Instead, I realised that a long-term approach focusing on both my behaviors and underlying emotions regarding eating was essential.

This awakening marked a profound shift in my journey. I delved into the emotional and behavioral aspects of my relationship with food, leading to a deep exploration of my own eating patterns. This process of self-discovery eventually guided me towards helping others combat food cravings and emotional eating by addressing the core issues.My hope is that by sharing my experiences and insights, I can assist others in their quest for sustainable well-being and a healthier connection with food.
In 2014 I embarked on a Diploma in Nutrition and Weight Management, certified by the Association for Nutrition. I also developed my love of creative cooking with an Advanced Course at the Ashburton Cookery School. In 2021 I completed an EQA Foundations in Health Coaching this course was also accredited by the NHS Personal Care Institute. I subsequently went on to achieve my EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) and Professional Designation at Foundation Level. I am also an Affiliate member of the EMCC. I have also completed a course in Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine. The course is run by Practice Unbound and leading international experts in lifestyle medicine, Dr Rangan Chatterjee and Dr Ayan Panja. This course is accredited by the Royal College of GPs. I am a certified functional breathing coach at the Oxygen Advantage and an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner with EFT International. I am also trained in Matrix Reimprinting.

Please also see for other services that I run with my sister.
“Take care of your body it's the only place you have to live” Jim Rohn
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Mum's the word

I left the workplace in 2007 to have my son and returned in 2014 when my youngest started school. For seven years, I surrounded myself with mothers and chatted to them primarily about children! When I set up Eat Real Food, I discovered that all of these mums had the most amazing ‘hidden’ talents. Little did I know that they could write novels, manage accounts, build websites and run PR companies… the list goes on. As well as supporting me when Eat Real Food was just a fledgling venture, many of them were simultaneously running their own successful businesses and juggling the demands of family life.


Mums are amazing!
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